Free FPS for you to ENJOY

Hello everyone. Just wanted to announce the release of this new FREE fps and also tps shooter.

There is so much to enjoy I can not possibly post it all. Here are a few highlights.

  1. Team Death Match - The objective of the Team Death Match game mode is to kill everyone on the opposing team, and the winner is the team that gets the most kills, or if time runs out, has the most points. A draw can also occur if two teams have the same kill count or score by the time the match ends.
  2. Free For All - The objective of the Free For All game mode is to kill the other players as many times as possible. The match may end on a kill limit or a time limit, and the winner is the player that accumulated the greatest number of kills.
  3. Capture The Flag - The objective of the Capture the Flag game mode is to capture the other teams flag. This is accomplished by standing inside the other's  flag zone for a set time period without death. The first side that accomplishes this a certain number of times, or scores the most captures within a designated period of time, wins
  4. Elimination - The game mode is the classic Elimination game mode CS style where two teams have to kill every member of the enemy team (can't re-spawn until next round) in order to win, the team that reach the maximum number of rounds wins, will be the winner of the game.
  5. Covert Point - The objective of the Covert Point/Domination mode is to own all of the control points on the map. There are usually at least three of these control points scattered around the map, and they are usually found in key strategic locations. To capture a control point, a player must stand near it for a specific time with no enemies nearby to capture it for the player’s team; the team earns Tickets each second for each point dominated, and the first team to reach the maximum tickets win the match.
  6. Gun Race - The game play consists of players competing in a free-for-all-style game. As players get more kills, the player will receive different weapons, the player wins the game by being the first to eliminate at least one person with all the pre-defined weapons; the player is auto respawning after getting eliminated.
  7. Kill Confirmed - Game play is similar to the Team Deathmatch mode with just one key difference: players drop a “dog tag” upon being eliminated. The opposing team has to pick up this dog tag to confirm the kill and earn a point. A kill can also be denied if a friendly teammate collects the tag. The game mode goal for each team is to reach a certain number of confirmed kills.
Early Access. There WILL be some bugs. I am an INDIE developer.

I really hope you like the game it is under active development and will only get better with time and development. Please post in the comments and tell me what you think.

Jan 25, 2023

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